You and a Leading Jury Consultant-a Winning Combination During A High Stakes Trial!
When it's an all or nothing situation, you need a jury consultant with superior education and experience to provide you with the winning edge. What can an attorney do to help craft his or her case to appeal to the jury? Retain a top jury consultant.
The best jury consultants work closely with attorneys to scrutinize and evaluate every aspect of a high stakes case. Don't go to trial unprepared-turn to Jury Research Institute. Our consultants offer over 30 years of experience, education and customized resources to help you develop and shape your case.
Contact the professionals at Jury Research Institute today at (800) 233-5879 or visit our consultant's profiles by clicking here.
Jury Research Institute-Don't Go to Trial without A Jury Consultant!
The consultants at Jury Research Institute have developed a series of tools and resources geared especially for high stakes trial preparation. At JRI, we know that every trial requires a different approach and our program is created specifically to be customized to your needs.
Resources include:
Mock trials allow attorneys to take a practice run of the case.
Jury selection surveys and profiles provide you with insight into prospective juror's belief systems, attitudes and backgrounds so you can make an educated decision about who to leave in the jury box.
Change of venue study provides research and facts to argue for or against a change of venue due to a high profile nature of a case.
Video surveys offer insight into the themes that resonate with jurors.
Together, we can build a winning case! Contact Jury Research Institute, toll free at (800) 233-5879 or send us an e-mail at today!
Call today!
For support on a pending case, or more information about our services, call our trial consultants at 800.233.5879